(This is the first in what might become a collection of posts where I yammer on about Goodreads. The good and bad of it as I see it.)
I notice a lot of this on Goodreads: "I wish I could have given this [x] and a half stars."
Um, people? That makes no KOMO 4'ing sense.
Goodreads doesn't leave room for interpretation. That's one of the things I like about it.
1 = I didn't like it.
2 = It was okay.
3 = I liked it.
4 = I really liked it.
5 = It was amazing.
What would a half a rating even look like? Especially a 3.5? "I was exactly halfway between liking it and really liking it"?
Sometimes, I find myself wanting to respond to every comment about the desire for half ratings, asking them to elaborate on what it would really mean for them. I did it once. Not, like, in a rude way or anything. I was friendly. But I think it would be cool if people would understand and use the rating system the way Goodreads was set up, you know? FOR CONSISTENCY'S SAKE.