My book is coming out in exactly three months.  I feel just like I was told I would feel:  like it's taking forever, like the time is going by too quickly, like I'm ready, like I'm so not ready.

I've had a emails from readers who have been able to check out Advance Reviewer Copies, and the feedback has been really positive.  So that's good news so far! 

There are days when I am overwhelmed--most days, in fact.  I'm scheduling/responding to blog interviews, chats, and the like.  I'm working with my publicist to plan a couple of events: a launch party/reading/signing scheduled near Seattle for 10/17/10 (more details to come) and a joint Tenner signing that I'm hoping will be scheduled for 10/10/10 in NYC.  I'm mailing out bookmarks.  I'm making lists and checking them twice to see if see that sure I'm doing what I can to get ready for this launch. 

It's so exciting that people are mentioning FREEFALL on their blogs, preordering it, adding it on Goodreads, and taking time out of their days to get in touch with me via Twitter, FaceBook, LiveJournal, and email.  Word of mouth can be so important for helping readers find a book (for debuts, especially), and I appreciate it so much.

There's a reason Dwayne and I got married in Vegas: planning (and waiting) is not a thing I am good at or enjoy, necessarily.  But I'm proud whenever I can see the results of what I'm doing here, and I'm hopeful that the work Simon & Schuster and I have been putting in will help us reach readers.  That's all I can really ask for.  ♥

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