I have to say, I've never quite understood the appeal of Harry & David.  It's food.  And you can have it mailed to people.  And it's just kind of... weird.  Actually, the chocolate and bakery items I can understand.  Those are special treats.  But fruit.  Why?  I mean, sure, it's always nice to have some fresh fruit around.  But don't people just buy that stuff at the grocery store themselves?

In the past few years, I've had a few pieces of fruit from Harry & David gifts that have been mailed to our department in December:  some hard-as-rocks pear that I should have waited a week or more before eating, an orange.  Whatever.  

This year the gift-givers made a mistake and had the fruit sent to the clinic instead of the office.  There was no way to get the fruit downtown in time for anyone in our department to enjoy (everyone's taking off most of this week and next week).  So, I passed some around for our program participants, gave a small box to the custodian lady, and put together larger boxes for the health educator who taught last night and for me.

My hopes were not high, but hey!  Free fruit, right?  

I have to say, though, the Red Delicious apple I ate last night was actually red and delicious.  And the Texas grapefruit I had just now was the best grapefruit I've ever tasted in my life.  I'm not sure how or why this is possible, but wow!  I'm not sure I want to eat another grapefruit ever again because it just won't compare.