I'm working on a writing project that I've had set aside for quite a while. (Thirteen months, actually.) I have a certain amount of time to get a certain amount done with it.
Likewise, my character will have a certain amount of time to accomplish a certain number of things. That's the hook, right there. Except it is much more specific than all that.
Coming back to this project now, I've been trying to decide how I want to approach this list thingy moving forward. Frustration over the hook was part of what led me to set it aside in the first place, you see. Mostly by coincidence, I just finished reading TWENTY BOY SUMMER by Sarah Ockler and 30 GUYS IN 30 DAYS by Micol Ostow. It's been interesting observing how a hook of this sort can drive a story without entirely being the story. Which is exactly what I've always wanted to accomplish with mine.
Can you think of any more examples I can check out for new perspectives? I get the impression that Lauren Barnholdt's ONE NIGHT THAT CHANGES EVERYTHING is along these lines, too, but alas, it isn't out yet!