Last night/this morning, I had a dream that I got an email from my publisher containing my cover art.

Now, my awake self knows that it will be a long, long time before that really happens. Like, no sooner than the early months of 2010, right? Possibly much later than that even. My dreaming self knew this, too, and was very shocked to have received it already.

So, what they sent me was along these lines:

exit here Pictures, Images and Photos Photobucket

Photography from an unexpected angle, I mean.

The photo for mine was taken from just below the foot of a bed. There was a rumpled red blanket and cream sheet kind of haphazardly falling off to reveal part of a boy's foot. The majority of the foot was out of the frame.

So, in this dream, I stared at my cover on my monitor and was like, Well, that's interesting. I wonder, what is the significance of the bed and, especially, the foot?

I walked downstairs and called out to my husband, "My cover is here!"

Then realized with a  jolt that if I have a cover, I definitely have a title! I ran back upstairs to find out what it was.

Guess what! THE COVER ON MY COMPUTER SCREEN WAS TITLE-LESS! The only words to appear were my name in black lettering.

Yeah. So what you do you think? Am I having title anxiety or what here? ;-)