My youngest sister is getting married in Las Vegas in late-September, and we're all going! Seriously, a bunch of us in the family are piling on a plane together and staying at Mandalay Bay. I'm very excited about it! This will be my fourth trip to Vegas, but only my second time staying on the Strip. I've always wanted to stay at MB. Also, we haven't had a family vacation like this since, well, ever One thing, though, is that I have other trips scheduled this fall--my grandpa's 80th birthday in Arizona (early October) as well as a wedding in Baltimore I might attend (late October). It's going to be a little crazy. And expensive.

In order to save a tiny bit of money, I thought I might wear a dress that I already own to my sister's wedding.


(Yes, I'm on my knees. I needed something resembling full length and didn't want to bother with a tripod. My laundry hamper took the photo for me. Niña wanted to be involved, as you can see. And Angelus is in the background.)

Can I wear this one? Would that be allowed with it being white and all? Or do the flowers all over counteract the white on top?

Please let me know your thoughts. The wedding is ONLY fifteen weeks away! ;-)