This revising thing has been quite an experience, I tell you what.
First, I was happy upon reading the notes and seeing how easy it was going to be. Then I re-read and became terrified it would be too hard.
I was in the groove. Then I wasn't.
I was having a revision high and loving it. Then I was having a set back and hating it.
The revision was the best thing to ever happen to this manuscript!!!! Then it was the worst because I destroyed everything that was good with my ineptitude.
I'm done now. Kind of. I know that it was a worthwhile revision and that it is a stronger manuscript as a result. For sure.
But of the ten things that needed attention, I'm still not feeling entirely great about two of them (including the bowling alley scene). I don't know how to get to great, either. I don't want to send it back to Agent until I can be confident that I pulled off everything he was looking for.
At least I can turn off the Staind until I've figured out my next move!
Edit: Interesting. After cutting scenes, adding scenes, and changing scenes, my current draft is 36 words shorter than the previous one.