I've been "working on an outline" for ages now, right?  I've put together detailed backstory and character profiles like you wouldn't believe.  I had a vague idea of what was going to happen in the course of the actual story.  Very vague, really.

My instructor posted feedback for me four days ago from the story idea I posted.  Since then, I've put in as much time as I was able for a real outline.  I now have a beginning, middle, and end!  And 32 scenes summaries that show a good progression of the plot and subplots!   (Of course, this would not have been possible if not for all getting-to-know-the-characters work I did on the front end.)  Yes, this outline is really rough and subject to change 2.75 billion times, but it's workable.

I'm still in shock that I can move forward now and know where I'm actually going.  And I'm looking forward to completing some things of Kae's 17 By 17 list that I've never done.  Like kayaking.  And I think I'll be going parasailing in Hawaii next month.  And I'll get a tarot reading.  Hooray!