Zokutou word meterZokutou word meter
33,033 / 63,000

I'm FINALLY over halfway done with my rewrite. This is very exciting news for me. It does not put me on track for finishing before October 31st since it took me twelve weeks to get to this point, but I'll be optimistic and pretend like it could happen. I mean, anything's possible, right?

In other news, my online YA writing class ended last week. It was a really great experience for me, and I highly recommend Liesa Abrams as an instructor. She'll be teaching this class again for MediaBistro in October, so if you're starting a new project and feeling like you'd like feedback and structure, this class is a great medium for that. Or, if you're like me, needing some help figuring out what to do with your mess of a first draft, it's effective for that, too!

In case you're wondering, I don't think anyone came close to finishing their draft in the twelve weeks. Which is to be expected, I think. Also, the lecture part of the class is helpful, but kind of basic if you've taken YA specific classes already. But the feedback part of the course is really amazing and helpful.

I wish the class could have gone on for another twelve weeks so I could have had Liesa's help for the whole rewrite! But I'm going to continue working with some of my classmates, so I'm hopeful we can keep each other on task.