Work and social obligations are interfering with my writing! Over the summer, it really wasn't a problem because even though I was writing in theory, I was still in kind of a slump, you know?

Right now - this very second! - I am anxious to revise a scene and to get to work on another that I'm excited about. I can't, because I have to leave for work in a few minutes where I will be for the next eight hours. When I get home, I'll need to tidy up the house for overnight guests. I might be able to get in a few hours of writing from 5pm to 8pm, but then I'll be heading out for my husband's band's Friday the 13th gig. Saturday morning I'm getting a ride to the south end to visit family. (Oh, which means I need to pack as well.) I won't be home until Sunday late-afternoon. I should probably spend those few Sunday hours with my husband. And then I'll be working a 12-hour shift on Monday.

Tuesday is the soonest that I'll be able to really sit down and refocus. AAAUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHH!