Today was a productive writing day. I worked for six hours and came out with a six-page scene that I am very pleased with. I'm sure it can still use some work, but at this point, I don't see myself needing to put more than another hour into it. (No, I'm not generally a fast writer. I revise 2.5 billion times in a week before I'll consider a chapter finished and move on to the next. In general, when I'm working hard at it, I finish about ten pages in a week. They are good, well-revised pages, but only ten pages nonetheless. But this week is going to be more!!)

Then, in the shower, I was pondering and came up with some simplified and better life histories for two of my characters. I called my husband into the bathroom and explained my new ideas. He seemed confused about how they could possibly be as revolutionary as I think they are because the changes are so subtle.

But I am SO stoked about all of it. And I never use the word "stoked," so you know it must be true. I don't know how I'm going to sleep tonight.