My new online class starts on Thursday. THIS Thursday. The Thursday that is two days from today. And to think, if I hadn't been voting in the "Hotties in Publishing" poll last week, I never would have known the class existed!

I am going forward with my new novel (yes, another one!) for this twelve-week class. I probably would have made it much easier on myself to stick with CMT or to rewrite MEOW SISTERS, but I'm just not feeling those right now. I want to see if I can do what the course says I'll do: Write a first draft in twelve weeks.

This story (which I haven't yet written a single WORD for) is called THE FAKE MCCOY. It will be the first thing I've written in recent years to have a boy for the main character. I still have some anxiety of whether I can pull it off, but I'm trying to stay positive and convince myself that I CAN write a teenage boy! I'll find out soon enough...