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Freefall mentioned on writing blogs

Recently, I came across a couple of posts having to do with writing young adult fiction that mentioned Freefall. YA writer, Valerie Kemp, wrote how much she loves reading books with male narrators. She made a list of books written by females that feature REAL BOYS, and I am pleased that mine made the cut!

YA writer, Demetra Brodsky, discussed why she writes for young adults. She gave examples of what the YA novels of today contain, and mentioned Freefall as one that "shows the damage."

Thanks, ladies, for the shout-outs! I am truly honored.

PoshDeluxe is going steady with Freefall

The Forever Young Adult blog is one of my favorite book blogs out there. Their tagline is "for YA readers who are a little less Y and a bit more A," which is totally me!  I find that I have very similar book taste to some of the reviewers, and like them--and many other women my age--I credit Regina Morrow from Sweet Valley High as being reason #1 why I never got into drugs. PoshDeluxe a.k.a. Sarah read Freefall, gave it a BFF charm, rated it a seven on the swoonworthy scale, and is going steady with it! I'm really, really happy about all of these things. :-) You can check out her review here.

I have a new book deal

An announcement went up today for my second book!  Here's the listing from Publisher's Marketplace: Mindi Scott's LIVE THROUGH THIS, following a girl as she embarks on her first romantic relationship at the same time she is trying to come to terms with the sexual abuse she's endured at the hands of a family member, to Liesa Abrams at Simon Pulse, by Jim McCarthy at Dystel & Goderich Literary Management (World English).

I am thankful for my agent, editor, and everyone at Pulse for all the support and good vibes regarding this book so far. It has been amazing to have so many people who believe in this story as I do and who want to help me get it out there for readers!

The tentative publication date is "Fall 2012," I believe. It sounds like forever away, but I'm going to be so very busy getting it finished during these next few months that I know I'm going wish time would slow down.  :-)