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I've been translated!

Recently, I did an interview for A Note of Madness, a Danish book blog.  I submitted my answers in English and they were translated into Danish.  That means that if you're like me and don't speak Danish, you can't actually understand what's on the page.  I did try copying and pasting the interview into Google Translator.  Most of it made sense that way, but some of it was more hilarious than I meant it to be.

Bunches of Answers at Murphy's Library

The bloggers who run Murphy's Library recently gave readers the opportunity to  ask me questions.  Afterward, they compiled my answers and posted them to the blog.  It's a pretty substantial post -- I answered over 20 questions, I believe -- mostly about reading and writing!

An interview at Simon & Schuster

When I was in NYC back in October 2010, I went to my publisher's studio and answered some questions about Freefall.  They recently put the video up on YouTube and the official Simon & Schuster website.  You can check out it out here!