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The Freefall blog tour is going on NOW

Freefall is coming out in less than a week! In celebration, Kari and Kelsey at Teen {Book} Scene were kind enough to set up a blog tour for me.  What this means is that there will be fifteen "stops" at fourteen blogs over the next few weeks offering up different promotional content including interviews with me, character interviews, a deleted scene from the manuscript, an excerpt, contests, and more!

Here are the stops  so far:

The book trailer at Erika Breathes Books Kelsey's review of FREEFALL at The Book Scout An interview with me by Hattie at DeRaps Reads

New Events Page

Hooray!  I added an Events Page for this website which lists all my author appearances for October.  Who knows, maybe I'll even have events after October that I can add later! :-D

Cuh-RAZY Old Diary happenings

Okay, you guys.  If there happens to be anyone out there who actually reads my old diary entries regularly, you are in for a treat this week! 13-year-old Mindi is up to her usual antics of complaining about being on vacation and missing terribly a boy with whom she's had only a handful of conversations. Blah blah blah.

But 14-year-old Mindi? She is falling in love with someone who isn't Christian Slater!  For reals!  I mean it!  Well, kind of.  This entry is so long and filled with so much angst and longing and drama and a party involving Strip-Spin-the-Bottle (WHAT?) that you'll have to wait until next week to read part 2!

Blogging like a fiend

I made a goal this month.  It was either to blog every day in September or to blog every day until Freefall comes out on October 5th.  I can't remember which. Regardless, here it is September 18th, and I have, in fact, blogged every day in September!  Do I get a prize?  :-) To check out my entries (the content of which varies from author interviews, my criticisms of other people's usage of the word "gratuitous", and Back to the Future), just click on the blog and scroll down as far back as you're interested in reading.