1. I'm eating a red pepper stuffed with vegetarian mushroom risotto. OMG is it ever delicious!
2. Every other Friday, I fill in for a coworker at the office. Every other Friday, I dread having to answer the phone. And you know what else happens every other Friday? It all works out just fine. I'm better at telephone customer service than I like to believe. For last year's "secret shopper" call, I scored an A+. (Yes, I'm bragging. I feel like I earned the right to do so because I felt anxious for a full month in anticipation of secret shopper season and for a full month awaiting my scores after I learned that I was the employee who had been secret shopped.)
3. It's a nice day and Dwayne is meeting me downtown after work today. He's never been in the Seattle bus tunnel, like, ever!
4. My current manuscript and me are best friends. Long may our love for each other continue!
5. Speaking of love, I was totally in love with GLEE last year, but I have to say, it hasn't quite been doing it for me since it returned this spring. There are definitely good moments, but I would love to see the former levels of awesome return, please. (But yay, new FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS tonight!!!!!)