1. This is the last day of the March Madness Writing Challenge. My goal was to write 25 scenes before the end of March. I made that goal! I actually wrote 26 scene and did some development work, too. Thanks, , for organizing and motivating!
2. My ARCs are coming! My ARCs are coming! I'm only getting two, so I won't be able to share. But, yes, bound galleys for FREEFALL do exist and I'll be gazing at them in person. I'll post pics as soon as they arrive. :-)
3. I had a dream last night that I fainted while in the freezer aisle at Safeway. As I was falling to the ground, I had just enough time to wrap my purse strap around my arm a few times so that no one could steal it while I was unconscious. Ever since my hot pink/turquoise hearts purse containing one, two, and five dollar bills as well as half-dollar and silver-dollar coins was stolen from Chuck E. Cheese when I was around ten, I've had a lot of concern that it will happen again. Even in my dreams, as you can see.
4. A few minutes ago, I was staring out the window at clouds. I saw one that looked JUST LIKE a poodle glancing over its shoulder. In the fifteen seconds it took for me to grab my camera and take a picture, the wind had already blown its head off its body. It was very disappointing. See?
5. All right. In reference to #1 here. The truth is, I'm kind of petrified now that March is over. I have all these rough scenes and I want to do something amazing with them. But I tried to open a Word doc to start typing, and had a jolt of panic and could hardly breathe. I'm going to need to set some very specific April goals to work toward. The sooner I can write this book, the sooner cool things can happen with it, of course. It's all up to me here. I'm doing this. Yes.