It's been a few weeks, hasn't it?  A big reason for my LJ absence is because I've been having computer issues galore!  I had a virus thing going on, my browser was hijacked, etc.  After getting it back, some of my drivers don't seem to work anymore and my computer won't recognize my flash drive.  I finally found one usb port in the back that worked and I've been trying to catch up on my work ever since.  But last night, out of the blue, the computer stopped acknowledging the existence of the flash drive again.  Blah blah blah.  The only good news is that the flash drive itself is functioning perfectly on other computers, so I don't have to freak out about losing the work I saved on it.  I just... can't use it with this computer at the moment.

All this nonsense has been causing me The Anger and The Frustration.  Which is why I haven't wanted to update my LJ.

But things are coming along with Book Stuff.  FREEFALL has a cover that I should be able to reveal in the next few weeks, I'm thinking.  I had my author photos taken, and Pulse is putting together the fall catalog with my book in it.  Copy edits will be coming for me sometime in February, as well as the second half of my advance.  I have a website in the works, too.  So, lots of good things there.

As far as new stuff, I'm working on finishing and polishing a YA proposal.  My computer and FREEFALL have been thwarting me at every turn, but I'm making some progress lately.

And... now my computer is doing more ridiculous stuff.  So, I'm going to post this or risk losing it completely.  Later!