It's like this, I guess. For months and months after getting a book deal you wait for a whole lot of nothing to happen. And then, suddenly, there is so much to do that you don't know if you'll ever catch up.
I got to see a cover comp for FREEFALL yesterday. The marketing peeps at Pulse are in heart with it, and I am, too! I keep gazing at it, and am looking forward to getting to show everyone after it's finalized.
My editor asked for my help with a cover tag line. Which is not my forte. I hope someone else comes up with something because I'm drawing a blank right now.
Today, I've been notified that I need to turn in my author photo and bio before January 20th if I want it in the catalog. Even if I don't want to be in the catalog, they need it by February for the book cover. Now I'm scrambling to get the contact info of the girl I want to take pictures, and I'm regretting like crazy that I didn't do this in the summer/early-fall when Seattle wasn't so gray and dead looking. Sigh, sigh. I have a certain look in mind, and I'm hopeful we can find an appropriate location.
Oh, and I need to get my hair trimmed! And a new outfit! Quickly!
My website is in the works and has been since December. As of yesterday (after seeing my cover for the first time), I am rethinking the pop-art look I wanted for it. I don't want to the cover to dictate the look of the site, but I do think they should complement each other. The book cover is too--I don't know--elegant and and stark and powerful to be set amongst wild colors and such. I'm thinking now that I want to go back to my original Fiona-Apple-inspired idea. I guess I'll need write content or something, too, huh?
Anyway. Not to sound all complain-y. Obviously, there are much worse problems I could have in the world. I'm just stressing and trying to get shiznit done on time.