Current Query Stats

Agents contacted:  36
Rej of query:  12
Partials requested:  1
Rej of partials: 1
Fulls requested:  6
Rej of fulls:  2
Non-responses (thus far):  17

So, of the 36, I'm waiting to hear from 21.  The 4 who have the full and the 17 who have queries.  Of course, there are some who have queries who will never respond, but I'm not going to consider them as "no"s until more time has passed.  My first set of queries only went out two months ago yesterday.

One thing I like about querying now (as opposed to in Aught-Six) is that more agents are asking for pages (pasted or even attached sometimes) to be submitted along with email queries.  It might take some of the fun out of the "game," but it increases my confidence that my writing is sinking or standing on its own merit.   (That said, the vast majority of the rejections I received on queries so far have been for those whose guidelines state "query only" or those who flat-out state that the don't want to see synopsis or pages with a query.)