I've been, you know, reworking this draft for a few months now. There have been new scenes added as well, but a big part of it really has been rewriting scenes I've already written. I just did two Kendall/Seth scenes in a row and they've been going really well. I was even starting to feel, like, good and confident again. But then Rosetta showed up in the scene and I instantly hit a wall. People who read Rosetta/Seth scenes after I've revised the heck out of them say they have great chemistry. But, why, oh why, is it so hard for me to get that chemistry going? Why can't Seth's interactions with her just FLOW like his interactions with Kendall?

Hmmm. You know what's funny? Seth has known Kendall his whole life. Even though he doesn't like her most of the time, he still knows what to expect from her, how to handle her. Rosetta he's only known a few weeks and he really doesn't know much about her (except that he likes her). So, maybe that's what it is. Maybe I'm trying to figure things out right along with Seth?

Blarg! I don't know...